Pregnancy is an exciting and wonderful time, but with the many physical and hormonal changes that occur, it can also be a time of extreme discomfort. Many pregnant women suffer from fatigue, nausea, reflux, and back pain as well as a myriad of other conditions that are considered a "normal" part of pregnancy. Acupuncture is a safe, gentle and effective way to address these complaints.
Prenatal acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to help women support a healthy pregnancy and uncomplicated delivery. Regular acupuncture during pregnancy sets the foudation for a healthy mother and baby. Current research suggest that women who receive acupuncture during pregancy often have a shorter and easier birth experience. Several European studies have concluded that weekly acupuncture starting 6 weeks prior to the due date results in significantly shorter labor.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment for breech presentation has also been in use for thousands of years. It has a success rate of 75% and carries no risk to mother or baby. It is believed to release hormones that stimulate the uterus and increase fetal activity, which then encourages the baby to turn on its own. This is generally performed between weeks 32 - 36. When successful, the baby will turn within 24 hours of treatment. Sometimes only one treatment is sufficient, or it may take several sessions for the baby to turn.
Acupuncture for labor induction is safe for both mother and baby as long as there are no serious complications with the pregnancy. It is most effective starting the week of the baby's due date.
Some of the pregnancy related conditions that acupuncture can treat:
Morning Sickness/Nausea Insomnia Low Energy/Fatigue Anemia Anxiety/Depression Constipation/Heartburn Back Pain and Sciatica Symphysis Pubis Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome High Blood Pressure (pre-eclampsia) Threatened Miscarriage Breech Presentation Pre-term, Delayed and Labor Pain Lactation Problems Postpartum Depression